Kindermusik at The Music Nest
School Year 2023/2024

September 6th - May 25th
Your enrollment Includes:

  • A weekly 45-minute class sure to spark your child’s imagination! Our Kindermusik kids laugh, smile, stomp, play, kick, clap, jump, sing, and dance because we know that children of any age learn more when the learning is playful and fun. Through our dynamic classes, and research-based curriculum, we excel at setting a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning.

  • New Digital Kindermusik Home Kit materials with each new unit - your themed music, literature, parenting tips and activities to explore at home.

  • Make ups with no expiration date! Should you miss a class, we will send you a unique Zoom link to join us in live streaming format before, after or in place of your current class! In-person makeup classes are based upon availability. Makeup classes are available for the families with current enrollment only.

Pricing: $95 per month.
Registration Fee $10 per student per enrollment period.
Joining after the first class prorates your tuition.

We are thrilled to have you join us for the fun time filled with music exploration and excitement! We are happy to offer the classes for the various ages and the developmental needs of your little musicians!

Please find below the description of each class to help you find the one that fits your needs the best, and our LIVE schedule where you can register and reserve your spot in our classroom!

  • Foundations

    Make baby’s first class musical! Our Foundations classes offer a sensory-rich yet caring and gentle environment where infants can explore and react to new sounds, sensations, and objects. Shared activities for babies and their caregivers provide the opportunity to strengthen your connection with your child through joyful music-making experiences.

  • Level 1

    Level 1 classes offer young toddlers a stimulating environment to explore their new movement and language skills with a sense of security, comfort, and confidence. As your child thrives in a music and movement-driven environment, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other parents and caregivers and learn to use music to create and simplify routines at home.

  • Level 2

    No terrible twos here! Our Level 2 classes encourage older toddlers to initiate their own ideas and explore their creativity. Each class offers plenty of fun outlets for toddler-style energy, promoting cognitive development through singing, dancing, and instrument play. Better still, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other parents and caregivers who are also experiencing the joys and complexities of these busy years, while learning to use music to create and simplify routines at home.

  • Level 3

    Level 3 classes engage preschoolers’ natural love of music and activate their imaginations. A wide range of learning opportunities boosts language skills, confidence, independence, social-emotional skills, and self-control. You are invited to join the fun for a portion of each class, sharing in the joy of music-making and learning how your child is developing, all while strengthening your relationship with your child.