
Foundations (0-1 yrs)

Make baby’s first class musical! Our Foundations classes offer a sensory-rich yet caring and gentle environment where infants can explore and react to new sounds, sensations, and objects. Shared activities for babies and their caregivers provide the opportunity to strengthen your connection with your child through joyful music-making experiences.


Mixed Age (1-6yrs)

Our mixed-age classes are perfect for families who wish to bring two or more children of different ages to the same class, or for parents who simply prefer a mixed-age setting for their child. These classes allow toddlers through six-year-olds—and their caregivers—to gather together for a fun-filled learning experience. Your Kindermusik educator will help you modify movement activities, group dances, and instrument-play activities for each of your children.

“Big Kids Band”(3-6yrs)

Our “Big Kids Band” classes engage preschoolers’ natural love of music and activate their imaginations. A wide range of learning opportunities boosts language skills, confidence, independence, social-emotional skills, and self-control.

You are invited to join the fun for a portion of each class, sharing in the joy of music-making and learning how your child is developing, and begins to master music terms and concepts, building a strong foundation for learning in other subjects like math, reading, and writing.

Summer Classes: July 10th - August 31st
Your enrollment Includes:

  • 8-week curricula sure to spark your child’s imagination!

  • Digital Kindermusik Kit - your themed music, literature, parenting tips and activities.

  • Make ups with no expiration date! Should you miss a class, we will send you a unique Zoom link to join us in live streaming format before, after or in place of your current class! In-person makeups are based upon availability. Makeup classes are available for the families with current enrollment only.

Pricing: $95 per month, $80 for a sibling enrolled in the same class.
Registration Fee$10 per family per enrollment period.
Joining after the first class prorates your tuition.